The Pirates of Tokyo Bay (POTB) is Japan's premier bilingual comedy group and this is our app!

If you've ever wondered what happens when you put a group of improv performers on a stage with no script who use the audience's suggestions to make the scenes, there's an app for that!

All things POTB are here! Find out how to see all this ROTFL action with our schedule in Japan and internationally.

Wanna join in the fun? Vote for your favorite Pirates while at the show and see the results in real time!

Don't miss out! Check out the program page for each show if you missed anything on stage while flirting shamelessly at the bar, I mean, grabbing another drink with your friends.






LIVE - Head here to participate during our live shows.
ライブ - 公演を見に来てるならココをチェック!

NEWS - everything you need to know about upcoming shows and events with links, maps and more.
ニュース - 次回公演、イベント、リンクとマップを添えてお届け。そして最新情報も。

SCHEDULE - plan your life around us and shower us with your steadfast presence at shows in Japan and abroad.
スケジュール - 国内外での公演日程はここで確認できるので、自分のスケジュールも組みやすくなっちゃう!「まぁ、なんて便利なの!」

SOCIAL - did you think we weren't a bunch of needy millennials? HAHA. The jokes have already begun. FOLLOW US THOUGH.
SNS - いいね!・フォロー・シェアはここで。「気になる存在って思われたいの。」

LINE - because it's line and you just can't not.
ライン - 日本語はスタンプ、英語はステッカーって、「ス」しか合うてへん。

POTB - No Script. No Problem. でも、アプリがなきゃ何もはじまんない。
POTB - No script? No problem. No app? 1992 called. It's for you.

If you have any questions please contact

This Japanese improv group is fast becoming recognized around the world as Japan’s top group.

The Pirates of Tokyo Bay (POTB), Tokyo’s only bilingual improv comedy group, which we’ve featured twice before, will mark their 6th anniversary with a special show on December 4th at SuperDeluxe in Roppongi.

Mike Staffa, the founder of POTB, tells you about their vast range of activities in Japan and abroad that they’ve done this year. Also he shares what you can see and experience at the upcoming Anniversary show.

*Past interviews with Mike;
1st (January 18, 2014)
2nd (November 10, 2015)  


Becoming world-famous as the improv group from Japan

We have toured 10 times to 6 countries (USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines, China, Malaysia). 2016 was a great year for us as it was our first time performing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We were invited to be the first improv group to perform at a beautiful new venue there called the Live House. The audience, the venue, the hosts, and food were all amazing. We can’t wait to get back to Kuala Lumpur.

Later in 2016, I was able to perform in Hawaii with On the Spot Hawaii in one of their shows. It was a surprise to see Pirate fans in the audience in Honolulu as these fans had seen the Pirates perform in Tokyo for a few years before they moved to Hawaii!

Next year we will be traveling to Germany in January of 2017 to take part in a 27-hour long improv show at the Harlekin Theater in Tübingen, Germany. The Pirates will also be making our annual tours to Singapore and Manila as well. In Singapore we will be conducting workshops at an international school. The UWCSEA (United World College of South East Asia) has hired us for the 4th year in a row to teach their students about improv comedy and to join the student groups in an improv festival in early March, 2017.

Towards the end of March we will return to Southeast Asia to perform in the Manila Improv Festival held by our friends at SPIT Manila, the improv theater in the Philippines. It will be our third time to Manila and the festival there is always something we look forward to performing in.

Due to our vast international traveling, we have become known in the improv community around the world as one of Japan’s top improv groups. Our monthly shows in Tokyo have regularly featured guests from the world’s elite improv groups such as: Second City in Chicago, Upright Citizens Brigade in NYC, Brave New Workshop in Minneapolis. We have also welcomed guest performers from groups from New Zealand, England, China, Philippines, USA and Canada and more.

Improv helps your business

To perform improv, we need to think quickly, adapt to changes in the scene and trust the people we are performing with. All of these skill points are applicable in the office setting too. Sales teams need to be flexible to the demands of their clients. Management needs to trust their team and think quickly to the changing markets. The Pirates have been using their skills to enhance companies’ business output through our customized training sessions. We have trained major Japanese companies from small start ups to major corporations. Each training session focuses on key topics selected by the clients. Areas like: Teamwork, Problem Solving, Trust Building and Communication. More details can be found here. The training sessions can be a one time class or for more concrete results, some clients have hired us multiple times so we can build on what we taught in the previous workshop.

Photo Credit: Michael Holmes Photo  

We have also worked with Embassies and their staff in Japan, Hong Kong and Malaysia to help bridge cultural communication gaps. It is a lot of fun, for us and for the business people we train, to see everyone open up and become more free thinking to enable them to approach work challenges with a fresh perspective!

Improv University launched!

We are also excited to share with MET readers about our newly formed “Improv University”. This is something new we are trying and a first (we believe) for the city of Tokyo.

Classes haven’t started yet as we are still filling up Level 1 and matching them with our teachers. The classes will be taught by Mike Staffa and David Heston. Our goal is to teach groups of students from Level 1 to Level 2 and finally Level 3. And upon graduating from the University, the group of students will have a graduation show and be fully prepared to be their own unique group, trained in the Pirates style.

No where else in Tokyo can students enter as novices, and within 10 weeks (Level 1 + Level 2) be guaranteed a performance in an amazing venue in Shibuya and be set free as their own unique group ready to put on regular shows themselves.

The University is new and growing slowly, but we fully believe once the first group graduates, they will be able to help grow the improv community in Japan alongside the Pirates and the other groups in town.


Happy 6th Anniversary, Pirates of Tokyo Bay!

POTB will turn 6 this year so we’ll hold our 6th anniversary show on December 4th at Roppongi SuperDeluxe. It will feature lots of surprises, many of them secret! We will have appearances from our sister group in Osaka, the Pirates of the Dotombori who recently celebrated their 10th anniversary preforming in Kansai, as well as a few YouTubers stopping by our show. We have new games planned, new songs and new members making their debut performance. It’s really going to be a special show in a special venue!

The 6th anniversary show isn’t just a celebration of our group’s success, but it is also a celebration of our fans and a way for us to thank them for our support. We will have a special photo booth for fans to take photos in by our professional photographer. We’d love to have MET readers get their photos taken and share the photo on the MET website!

Photo Credit: Michael Holmes Photo  

☆See for the details of POTB 6th Anniversary show on December 4 in Roppongi.
☆Buy ︎Tickets:


即興コントグループ「パイレーツ・オブ・東京湾(以下POTB)」 – すでにMy Eyes Tokyo読者の皆さんにはおなじみかもしれません。台本ゼロで舞台を展開していく東京唯一の日英バイリンガルコントグループです。このPOTBが来る12月4日、六本木のライブハウス「スーパーデラックス」で6周年記念ショーを開催します。





僕たちは今年(2016年)、アメリカ、シンガポール、香港、フィリピン、中国、マレーシアで計10回のツアーを敢行しました。 特にマレーシアのクアラルンプールでは初めてショーを行ったので、僕たちにとって記念すべき年でしたね。 クアラルンプールからは、新たに出来た「ライブハウス」という場所で初めてショーを行う即興グループとしてお招きいただきました。 お客さん、会場、運営者の皆様、会場で提供される食事など、どれも素晴らしいものでした。 クアラルンプールには、是非また行きたいです。

今年の後半は、「オン・ザ・スポット」というハワイの即興グループと共演することができました。 しかもホノルルのお客さんに混じって、はるばる東京から僕たちのファンがいらっしゃたんですよ!彼らはハワイに引っ越す前、東京で僕たちのショーを見に来て下さっていたのです。

来年(2017年)1月、僕たちはドイツに行きます。ドイツ南部のテュービンゲンという街にあるハーレキン劇場で、27時間にわたり繰り広げられる即興パフォーマンスのフェスに参加します。 他にシンガポールとマニラへの毎年恒例のツアーも行います。 シンガポールでは、インターナショナルスクールでのワークショップも行う予定です。UWCSEA(ユナイテッド・ワールド・カレッジ・オブ・サウスイースト・アジア)というインターナショナルスクールではこれまで4年連続で、学生たちに即興コントを教えたり、即興フェスで学生のグループに参加させていただいています。このフェスは、来年は3月初めに行われる予定です。




即興に必要なのは、物事を迅速に考えること、状況の変化に適応すること、そして共演者を信頼することです。 これらのスキルはどの職場においても応用できると思います。例えば営業チームは、顧客の要求に柔軟に対応する必要があります。 管理職は部下たちを信頼し、変化する市場に対し取るべき対策を迅速に考える必要があります。僕たちは、ビジネス向けにカスタマイズしたトレーニングセッションを通じて、企業の生産性向上に向けた即興スキルの活用を提案しています。これまで僕たちは小規模なスタートアップから大企業まで、名だたる日本の企業様に向けて研修を行わせていただきました。 各トレーニングセッションでは、チームワークや課題解決、信頼構築、コミュニケーションなどのテーマの中から、クライアントの皆様が選択されたものに焦点を当てていきます(詳しくはこちらをご覧ください)。トレーニングセッションは1回からご対応させていただいておりますが、僕たちを複数回お招き下さっている企業様もいらっしゃいます。そうすることで、前回お教えしたことにさらに研修を重ね、より具体的な成果を得ることが可能です。

撮影:Michael Holmes Photo  

また在日本や在香港、在マレーシアの大使館やそのスタッフの方々に対し、文化の違いをいかに埋めるかについてお手伝いさせていただいています。 僕たちはもちろん、僕たちが研修させていただいているビジネスマンの方々にとっても、心を開き、今まで持ち得なかった視点で仕事における課題に取り組むのを見るのは、とても楽しいことです。


僕たちは「即興の大学」を新たに立ち上げました。この場をお借りして、My Eyes Tokyoをご覧の皆様にも是非お知らせしたいと思います。これは僕たちの新しい試みであり、東京において今までに存在しなかった(と信じています)ものです。





今年は僕たち「パイレーツ・オブ・東京湾」の立ち上げから6年を迎えます。そこで、来る12月4日に六本木のライブハウス「スーパーデラックス」で、僕たちの6周年記念ショーを開催します。 内容はまだ秘密ですが、皆様にとってきっと驚きの連続になると思います。さらに最近10周年記念ショーを開催した大阪の姉妹グループ「パイレーツ・オブ・道頓堀」のメンバーや、話題のYouTuberたちがショーに参加しますし、新しいゲームや新しい歌、新しいメンバーもこのショーで初披露します。「スーパーデラックス」という最高の舞台にふさわしい、最高のショーになりますよ!


会場には、プロのカメラマンによる撮影を体験できるブースもご用意しています。My Eyes Tokyoをご覧の皆様、ぜひ会場で素敵な写真を撮ってもらって、このウェブサイトでシェアしてくださいね!

撮影:Michael Holmes Photo  




Our 3rd annual cancer show was a huge success! / 第3回チャリティー公演が無事に終了いたしました!

Photo credit: Tabia Chui (Studio +81)

Photo credit: Tabia Chui (Studio +81)

In our last show, our 3rd annual cancer charity show, with the support of our fans we donated over ¥30,000 to CancerNet Japan.  It was a fun show with a special piano performance by Mayu Toyama and the entire show was in honor of Tony, our friend and fan.  Thank you to everyone who supported this show as we do our part to support those living with cancer.  We "got your backs" everyone.




Check us out on NHK TV / NHKワールドに出演!

As Tokyo becomes more international, the city's English-language comedy scene is growing.  We were excited when NHK and their English-language channel, NHK World, reached out to us to feature us in a segment about the various comedy options across Tokyo on their show Tokyo Eye 2020.

東京がグローバルな都市になるにつれて、英語によるお笑い界も成長を遂げています。NHKワールドの番組「Tokyo Eye 2020」では、私たちを東京で楽しめるお笑い/娯楽の一つとして取り上げていただきました。

We welcomed their reporter, Felicia Gonzalez to not only our practice, but also to join us on stage at one of our recent bilingual comedy shows at What the Dickens in Ebisu.  

In addition to having NHK check out our practice and live show, we brought them along to one of our recent corporate training sessions, this time at the translation company Gengo in Shibuya.  

Check out the video below to see our lengthy feature as well as some clips from other comedic talent across Tokyo including our friends at Stand-Up Tokyo which is the leader in English-based stand-up comedy here in Tokyo.  Enjoy!

同番組のレポーターであるフェリシア・ゴンザレスさんには、私たちの練習だけではなく恵比寿のWhat the Dickensにて毎月公演する即興コントライブにも実際にパフォーマーとして参加していただきました。


動画には私たちだけでなく、私たちの仲間として東京で先頭に立って活動しているスタンドアップコメディグループの「Stand-Up Tokyo」や他のエンターテイメントが紹介されていますので、ぜひご覧ください!


即興で笑わせまっせ! 大阪の外国人コント10周年

即興で笑わせまっせ! 大阪の外国人コント10周年












集合場所:柏木公園 (新宿西7丁目)(17時50分)

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -

For anyone interested in giving Improv Comedy a shot, we’re going to have our Summer Auditions this year on July 31st from 6:00 to 8:00 PM! Those who pass will join us on stage and on our growing YouTube channel!
Please reply here on the event wall if you’d like to come as space is limited. Seriously, we’re not working in Tokyo Dome (or sign up here:
Auditions will be in Shinjuku!

No worries if you’ve never tried Impro(v) before. We’ll walk through some of our games and techniques with you and see how you do both as an individual and as a team player.
We hope to find lots of interested, willing and generally disturbed enough people to want to be a part of the Pirates and if we see promise during the audition, we would love to have you join our crew.

Time: 6–8pm
Date: 07/31 (Sunday, July 31st)
Meet: 5:50pm in Kashiwagi Park 柏木公園 in Shinjuku Nishi 7 Chome
Bring: Comfy clothes, open mind, the noise.
Price: ¥0
— Staffa & the Pirates (not as cool of a band name as it sounded in my head)

















Pirates donate to Kumamoto


ADMAD - Artists Do Make A Differenceによる熊本リリーフプロジェクトに寄付してくださった皆さま、誠にありがとうございます。皆さまから集まった寄付金は31,016円となりました。そして私たちも同じ額を寄付することで倍にし、合計金額は62,032円となりました。ファンの皆さまと一緒にこれを被災地・被災者の皆さまにお届けします。 ‪#‎熊本支援‬ ‪#‎WithTheKyushu‬

A big thank you to everyone who donated at our show last night to the Kumamoto Relief Project supported by ADMAD - Artists Do Make A Difference. The audience raised ¥31,016 and the Pirates doubled that to donate a total of ¥62,032 to charity. Together with our fans, we are honored to offer our support to the people in Kumamoto who need it most.

Southeast Asia Tour クアラルンプールとシンガポールツアー

We recently went to Kuala Lumpur for the first time for two shows at a new comedy club called the LOL LiveHouse.  We were the first improv group to perform in this club and we had a great time!  The venue, the staff, the food, the management, everyone were so nice and professional.  We cannot wait to perform there again soon, hopefully in the Fall of this year!  And we recommend all our comedy friends to visit KL and perform at this great new comedy club!  We even had a Yoshimoto comedian (Kinjo) open for us each night!  

After a few days in KL, we flew to nearby Singapore and returned to the UWCSEA campus for the third year in a row.  We gave a workshop to improv/theater students and performed alongside 4 student teams in their annual TheatreSports tournament.  It is great to see such young kids with improv skills that get better year after year.

While in Singapore, we also met with the Japanese Embassy/Japan Creative Centre and introduced ourselves to their office.  They were pleasantly surprised to learn about us and we might be returning to Singapore later this year to celebrate their "SJ50" (Singapore/Japan 50th Anniversary).

パイレーツは今回、初の公演場所となるクアラルンプールで去年11月の最終週にできたばかりという新しいライブ会場である「LOL LiveHouse」で2日間にわたりパフォーマンスをしてきました。オープンしてから今まではスタンダップコメディやバンドによるイベントを企画してる同会場ですが、今回初めて「即興」というジャンル、そして東京にいる私たちを加えていただきました。会場、スタッフ、料理、マネージング、皆さん全てが素晴らしくプロ意識が高かったことは今でも忘れません。またいつか、(たぶん今年の秋かなぁ)そこで観客を盛り上げるのを楽しみにしています!お笑いをやってるみなさん、そうでないみなさんもクアラルンプールに行った際には是非この「LOL LiveHouse」にお立ち寄りください!2日間にわたり私たちのオープニングを務めてくれたよしもと芸人のSDキンジョーさん、本当にありがとうございます!




第六回 高円寺演芸まつり The 6th Koenji Engei Festival


わかりやすい解説付の銭湯寄席「はじめての寄席」や、寄席演芸の花形「紙切り」を存分に楽しめる、「二楽劇場in高円寺」、太神楽曲芸協会若手が取り組む 舞台公演「ナゲツナゲ~太神楽曲芸~」などのほか、江戸食文化の天ぷら、寿司、蕎麦やの老舗が連なるエトアール商店街では、お店の選べる食事付落語会を開 催するなど、寄席演芸だけでなく、街歩きも一緒に楽しめます。初めての取り組みとして、バイリンガルの落語家、立川志の春が英語および英語字幕付きの日本 語でお噺を披露し、関東の唯一即興コメディ団のパイレーツ・オブ・東京湾のショーをお寺で楽しめる公演もあります。







● 2016年2月11日(開場13:30、開演14:00)
※ 英語落語および英語字幕付き落語

● 2016年2月13日 (開場13:30、開演14:00)
「パイレーツ・オブ・東京湾 立川こはる」
※ 関東で唯一のバイリンガル即興コメディ団体及び英語字幕付き落語

チケット:一般2,000円、学生1,500円 (要学生証)
会場:長善寺 (東京都杉並区高円寺南2–40–50)
TEL:03–3311–2922 (当日のみ)
お問い合わせ (日英語対応)

This year’s Koenji Engei Festival, the sixth of its kind, offers ten days of theatrical performances like rakugo (one-man comic storytelling), manzai stand-up comedic double acts and magic shows at diverse locations in the Koenji district such as shrines and public baths, izakayas, bicycle shops and funeral halls. The number of participating artists, venues and visitors has risen with each festival.

The festival includes “Hajimete no yose” (‘my first yose’) theatrical entertainment with easy-to-follow commentary at a public bath; “Niraku Theater in Koenji,” where the audience can get its fill of the star attraction of yose engei Japanese-style vaudeville entertainment, kamikiri paper cutting craft; and “Nagetsunage: Daikagura Kyokugei,” a traditional performing arts show featuring young members of the Daikagura Kyokugeikai group.

But it’s not all indoor or seated Japanese-style vaudeville. Passers-by in the street will also be able to enjoy festivities — for example Koenji’s Etoile Shopping Street will play host to rakugo performances with a choice of meal included from its row of long-established eating houses offering Edo cuisine like tempura, sushi and soba.

In a first for the festival, bilingual rakugo performer Shinoharu Tatekawa will take to the stage in a temple to demonstrate kobanashi comic vignettes in both English and English-subtitled Japanese, alongside a performance by the Kanto region’s only bilingual improv comedy group, Pirates of Tokyo Bay


【A first during the Koenji Engei Festival! English-language Rakugo and Bilingual Improv Comedy】

For the first time Koenji’s history, two shows aiming at English speaking audiences will accompany the Koenji Engei Festival. Rakugo — the Ultimate One Man Comedy — is very hard to access without knowledge of Japanese but on February 11th, Tatekawa Shinoharu, a bilingual rakugo-artist will show his art in both Japanese with sur-titles as well as English.

On February 13th we present Tatekawa Koharu — Rakugo with Japanese sur-titles along with the Pirates of Tokyo Bay — Tokyo’s only bilingual comedy group!

● February 11, 2016

”Tatekawa Shinoharu Solo Show”

* Rakugo — Ultimate One Man Comedy in English/ Japanese with English Sur-Titles

● February 13, 2016

”Pirates of Tokyo Bay and Tatekawa Koharu”

* Tokyo’s only bilingual comedy group and Rakugo — Ultimate One Man Comedy — in Japanese with English Sur-Titles

Both events start at 14:00. Doors open: 13:30

Ticket:2,000Yen, Students 1,500 Yen (Students must show a valid student ID card at the entrance.)

Venue:Chozenji Temple(2–40–50 Koenji Minami, Suginami-ku, Tokyo)

Tel:03–3311–2922 (only February 11 and 13)

Enquiries: (Japanese/English)

【From Art Council Tokyo page】








日本人と外国人メンバーにより構成された同グループは観客から与えられたテーマをもとにユニークな即興コントを披露している。イギリスやアメリカで有名なテレビ番組「Whose Line Is it Anyway?」のように、彼らは即興でコントや歌を歌っている。


















Improv pioneers Pirates of Tokyo Bay plan big bilingual birthday bash


Improv pioneers Pirates of Tokyo Bay plan big bilingual birthday bash

Think “pirates” and you probably imagine frightening sword-wielding thieves with eye patches, but the members of comedy troupe Pirates of Tokyo Bay are anything but intimidating. In fact, these swashbucklers are on a mission to get people laughing, regardless of their native tongue.

Formed by American Mike Staffa with the aim of popularizing Western-style improvisation in Japan, the Pirates, who claim to be Tokyo’s only bilingual comedy group, have been bridging cultures through humor since 2010.

Comprised of both Japanese and non-Japanese members, the Pirates churn out unique improvised performances for each show based on suggestions from the audience. Much like on the popular U.K. and U.S. improv comedy show “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”, the comedians create scenes, characters and songs on the spot in the form of improv games.

So, in Japan, where comedy styles like manzai (double-act stand-up) are dominant, what motivated the Pirates to attempt to blaze a trail for improv in Tokyo?

“We want to make people feel free to share their thoughts,” says Staffa, 34. “In improv, the audience has to give feedback, and maybe that isn’t really the Japanese style, but we think it’s a fun style that people will eventually warm up to.”

Unlike other improv groups in Japan that use only English or Japanese, the Pirates alternate between the languages in their performances in a bid to keep both the Japanese- and English-speaking parts of the audience engaged.

“The kind of improv we do is short-form, so these are three- to five-minute scenes,” he explains. “How we balance it is we’ll do one three-minute scene only in Japanese and then the next scene will be only in English. We also have pantomime and gibberish games that have no language — that is another way we communicate with the audience, and it doesn’t matter what language since there is no language.”

“The singing games too,” chimes in Masahito Kawahata, 30, a Japanese member who joined the troupe in its early days. “You may not understand fully, but you can still enjoy the music and the beat.”

Translating the comedy simultaneously would slow everything down and kill the comedy, reckons Staffa. “We try to feel the audience’s heartbeat,” he says.

The Pirates have already performed in a number of cities across the rest of Asia. The performers study the culture beforehand so that they can localize their performances and connect with the foreign audience, Staffa says.

A third of the performers are Japanese, but Staffa says he would like to see more of the locals pick up the mic and try their hand at improv, to the point where the Japanese Pirates reach parity in numbers with their non-Japanese crewmates.

“I want to get maybe half,” he says. “That would really show that we’re gonna stay here in Japan for a long time.”

The group sees a valuable role for improv skills beyond just making people laugh.

“We’re starting to do more business training for Japanese companies,” says Staffa. “To do improv you have to trust your teammates, you have to think quickly, you have to adapt. So we really want to grow in that field — of not just being comedians on stage, but bringing improv skills into businesses.”

Staffa also hopes to establish the Pirates as the go-to guys for improv in Japan.

“We want to be the first phone call when Western comedy groups come to Japan,” he says. “I want to build the Pirates and get more brand awareness that we specialize mainly in improv. My goal in five years is to really be known as the Japanese improv group.”

Their upcoming show promises to be their biggest yet, as the Pirates of Tokyo Bay celebrate their first five years in the business. On the night, Staffa says the audience can expect celebrity “appearances” (on a big screen) by American and Japanese YouTube stars, who will assign improv challenges. The 5th Anniversary Show will be held on Sunday, Nov. 29, at Super Deluxe, Roppongi.



















日程: 11月29日(日)

開場: 18時30分

開演: 19時30分

場所: スーパー・デラックス 〒106ー0031 東京都港区西麻布3ー1ー25 B1F

電話: 03ー5412ー0515

料金: 2500円(湾ドリンク付き)



