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第六回 高円寺演芸まつり The 6th Koenji Engei Festival


わかりやすい解説付の銭湯寄席「はじめての寄席」や、寄席演芸の花形「紙切り」を存分に楽しめる、「二楽劇場in高円寺」、太神楽曲芸協会若手が取り組む 舞台公演「ナゲツナゲ~太神楽曲芸~」などのほか、江戸食文化の天ぷら、寿司、蕎麦やの老舗が連なるエトアール商店街では、お店の選べる食事付落語会を開 催するなど、寄席演芸だけでなく、街歩きも一緒に楽しめます。初めての取り組みとして、バイリンガルの落語家、立川志の春が英語および英語字幕付きの日本 語でお噺を披露し、関東の唯一即興コメディ団のパイレーツ・オブ・東京湾のショーをお寺で楽しめる公演もあります。







● 2016年2月11日(開場13:30、開演14:00)
※ 英語落語および英語字幕付き落語

● 2016年2月13日 (開場13:30、開演14:00)
「パイレーツ・オブ・東京湾 立川こはる」
※ 関東で唯一のバイリンガル即興コメディ団体及び英語字幕付き落語

チケット:一般2,000円、学生1,500円 (要学生証)
会場:長善寺 (東京都杉並区高円寺南2–40–50)
TEL:03–3311–2922 (当日のみ)
お問い合わせ (日英語対応)

This year’s Koenji Engei Festival, the sixth of its kind, offers ten days of theatrical performances like rakugo (one-man comic storytelling), manzai stand-up comedic double acts and magic shows at diverse locations in the Koenji district such as shrines and public baths, izakayas, bicycle shops and funeral halls. The number of participating artists, venues and visitors has risen with each festival.

The festival includes “Hajimete no yose” (‘my first yose’) theatrical entertainment with easy-to-follow commentary at a public bath; “Niraku Theater in Koenji,” where the audience can get its fill of the star attraction of yose engei Japanese-style vaudeville entertainment, kamikiri paper cutting craft; and “Nagetsunage: Daikagura Kyokugei,” a traditional performing arts show featuring young members of the Daikagura Kyokugeikai group.

But it’s not all indoor or seated Japanese-style vaudeville. Passers-by in the street will also be able to enjoy festivities — for example Koenji’s Etoile Shopping Street will play host to rakugo performances with a choice of meal included from its row of long-established eating houses offering Edo cuisine like tempura, sushi and soba.

In a first for the festival, bilingual rakugo performer Shinoharu Tatekawa will take to the stage in a temple to demonstrate kobanashi comic vignettes in both English and English-subtitled Japanese, alongside a performance by the Kanto region’s only bilingual improv comedy group, Pirates of Tokyo Bay


【A first during the Koenji Engei Festival! English-language Rakugo and Bilingual Improv Comedy】

For the first time Koenji’s history, two shows aiming at English speaking audiences will accompany the Koenji Engei Festival. Rakugo — the Ultimate One Man Comedy — is very hard to access without knowledge of Japanese but on February 11th, Tatekawa Shinoharu, a bilingual rakugo-artist will show his art in both Japanese with sur-titles as well as English.

On February 13th we present Tatekawa Koharu — Rakugo with Japanese sur-titles along with the Pirates of Tokyo Bay — Tokyo’s only bilingual comedy group!

● February 11, 2016

”Tatekawa Shinoharu Solo Show”

* Rakugo — Ultimate One Man Comedy in English/ Japanese with English Sur-Titles

● February 13, 2016

”Pirates of Tokyo Bay and Tatekawa Koharu”

* Tokyo’s only bilingual comedy group and Rakugo — Ultimate One Man Comedy — in Japanese with English Sur-Titles

Both events start at 14:00. Doors open: 13:30

Ticket:2,000Yen, Students 1,500 Yen (Students must show a valid student ID card at the entrance.)

Venue:Chozenji Temple(2–40–50 Koenji Minami, Suginami-ku, Tokyo)

Tel:03–3311–2922 (only February 11 and 13)

Enquiries: (Japanese/English)

【From Art Council Tokyo page】
